Diagnostic errors are critical, as they can worsen a condition that could have been treated if correctly diagnosed earlier. Cases of patients being diagnosed with advanced stages of cancer, life-threatening complications of diabetes and so forth due to diagnostic...
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Santa Fe Legal Blog
Can you just avoid that sobriety checkpoint?
You may be driving when you see a sobriety checkpoint on the road somewhere ahead of you. This is different than a normal DUI stop, where the police already have reasonable suspicion and pull you over. At the checkpoint, all drivers have to identify themselves to...
Who pays when a drunk driver causes a crash?
Drunk driving is a safety concern that affects everyone on the New Mexico roads. Even those who never drink before getting behind the wheel could be at risk of severe injury if they encounter an impaired motorist in traffic. Drunk drivers cause many of the most...
Accessory crimes: What to know
Did you know that there’s no such thing as a “minor role” when you’re involved in a crime? It takes a lot of people by surprise to find out that being charged as an accessory to a crime can actually net them the same punishment as the principal offender. What’s an...
Apology laws: Where does New Mexico stand?
State medical malpractice laws change all the time – for better or worse from a patient’s perspective. Last year, for example, New Mexico’s Medical Malpractice Act was amended to lower the cap on malpractice claims against independent health care facilities from $5...
Will I lose my license if I get a DUI?
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in New Mexico, and it carries significant legal consequences. If you are caught driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, you can be charged with DUI. For commercial drivers, the limit...
When does assault become aggravated in New Mexico?
The word “assault” is often thought of in a broad sense. Assault is commonly used to refer to a physical attack on another person. Nonetheless, the legal definition of assault in New Mexico is very specific. Perhaps surprisingly, physical contact is not required for...
Do you have to provide ID when asked by police?
No one wants to be pulled over by police. That’s especially true if you’ve had a drink or two, have some drugs in your car that you don’t have a prescription for or are pretty sure they want to ask you what you know about some criminal activity you may or may not have...
Summer sees a spike in accident fatalities
When the summer months come back around, fatal accidents go up. There are many different reasons for this. In some cases, people are more likely to travel or go on road trips, and an increase in miles driven can also lead to an increase in accidents. In other cases,...
Will losing federal funding spur better hospital cybersecurity?
You’ve probably seen the new reports of ransomware attacks on large hospital systems throughout the country in recent years. Even more of these attacks go unreported because the victims don’t want the public to know about them. They’ve paid the ransom to the hackers....