Knowing your rights regarding DWI stops, including any right to refuse police tests and what could happen if you decide not to take them, is essential. In New Mexico, you are not required to take a field sobriety test if you are pulled over for suspicion of driving...
Month: July 2022
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Can you get drunk accidentally or unknowingly?
When you’re putting together a DUI defense, your history matters. What did you do before you were stopped by the police? Is there any reason you’d suspect that you were drugged by another person or intoxicated despite not drinking alcohol knowingly? It is possible...
What happens if you jump bail before your trial?
Thousands of Americans find themselves on the wrong side of the law each year. While some cases are dropped by either the police or the courts, others go through the due legal process. Depending on the nature of the crime, you may be released on bail while awaiting...