The popularity of crime television shows that focus on police procedures and criminal court has given people a false sense of certainty about what happens in the criminal justice system. The stories depicted on popular television shows and in movies are often wildly...
Month: December 2022
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What’s “per se” intoxication in a drunk driving case?
Sure, you had a couple of beers or a glass of wine with dinner – but you definitely weren’t drunk. You didn’t even feel slightly buzzed. You knew you were safe to drive. You did, however, slide through a traffic light after it turned red or violated another traffic...
Does anyone know how many laws there are?
If you want to know how many laws there are, either at the state or the federal level, it’s certainly possible to look it up. Odds are, you will be surprised by the sheer amount of laws that are currently on the books. Part of this is because it is more common for new...