Every month, every six months or every year, you pay to renew your motor vehicle liability insurance policy. New Mexico requires that every driver have insurance that applies to their vehicle and protects them if they drive someone else's car. The policy that you...
Month: December 2021
Is electronic monitoring an option for you?
If you made a mistake and broke the law, but you’re willing to accept the consequences, you might be able to avoid incarceration by entering an electronic monitoring (EM) program after pleading guilty or being found guilty. This program might also be an alternative to...
Qualities to look for in a motorcycle helmet
As a motorcyclist, you understand that you are at greater risk than people who are in the cars around you. The odds are that you will be injured if one of them makes a mistake and hits you while you're on your bike. One of the best ways to stay safe is to have a...
Why snow brings good and bad news to Santa Fe
The good thing about living in or close to a ski resort is there are plenty of snowplows to keep the roads open after a snowfall. What’s more, they have an extra financial incentive to do so. Skiers who cannot reach the slopes cannot spend money at the stores,...