When the police perform a breath test, it gives a numerical reading of the test subject’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC). If a driver is over the legal limit, then the court can presume that they were impaired by the alcohol they consumed prior to getting behind...
Month: October 2023
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Self-defense and the law: What makes a convincing case?
The law allows you to protect yourself and others from imminent harm. As such, you may not be held criminally liable for using reasonable force to defend yourself or others in a threatening situation. When a self-defense claim arises in court, the key question...
Spinal cord injuries after a car wreck
Car wrecks remain among the leading causes of severe injuries, with spinal cord damage one of the most catastrophic. The abruptness and force of collisions can cause significant stress on the spine. Depending on their severity and location, spinal cord injuries can...